Federal & state elections on the ballot: US Senator, 7 US House members, and State Senate and House members
Ballot measures:
The South Carolina Election Commission oversees all South Carolina elections.
OnAir Post: South Carolina Votes in 2024
Email: Election Commission
Election Commission
1122 Lady Street, Suite 500
Columbia, SC 29201
Phone: (803) 734-9060
Fax: (803) 734-9366
Web Links
Election Commission
The mission of the State Election Commission is to ensure every eligible citizen has the opportunity to register to vote and participate in fair and impartial elections with the assurance that every vote will count.
Commission Members
John Wells, Chair
JoAnne Day
Clifford J. Edler
Linda McCall
Scott Moseley
Five members, at least one of whom shall be a member of the majority political party and at least one member of whom shall be a member of the largest minority political party represented in the General Assembly, are appointed by the Governor for four year terms. The State Election Commission holds monthly meetings which the public are invited to attend.